Visegrad 2024_Rachid panel © DIE HANSE - Bischof

youthHansa @ Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

“Young people are the leaders of tomorrow. Give them a stage to be heard.” With these words, Meltem Önhon, Chair of the Council of Europe's EPO Governing Council, opened this year's European Cultural Routes Conference on September 25. 300 representatives from over 30 countries responded to the appeal, making youth and the integration of young people in the 48 certified cultural routes (and growing) the main topic of the conference held in Visegrád (Hungary).

The youthHansa occupies a special position in the field of youth participation within the European cultural routes: This is because no other route has a network in which young people organize themselves and coordinate projects on an international level. It is an example par excellence of how the “Leaders of Tomorrow” can be promoted in the here and now. The aim in Visegrád was therefore to present the Youth Hansa as a lighthouse project.

Our Commission spokesperson, Rachid Hamdaoui, HANSA Manager Stefanie Bischof and Vice President Inger Harlevi used the event to exchange ideas with the representatives of the cultural routes and present the youthHansa as a success story.

A special highlight: Together with other organizations, such as the European Youth Card Organisation or the European UN Tourism Division, Rachid discussed the topic of “Encouraging Youth Engagement along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe”.

In his opinion, successful youth participation in the area of European cultural routes is achieved in particular by taking three “key elements” into account:

  • Young people do not want to observe other cultures from afar, they want to literally experience them. It is important to organize intercultural exchange in a practical way and to promote face-to-face encounters.
  • Young people have a creative urge. They don't just want to discuss, they want to achieve concrete results with added value that is relevant to them.
  • Last but not least: young people want to be seen and have their concerns taken seriously.

Together with Stefanie Bischof and Inger Harlevi, Rachid used the event to exchange ideas with the representatives of the cultural routes and establish contacts for further cooperation.

The (Youth)HANSA can look back on an exciting networking event. At the same time, we are looking forward to the exchange and collaborations that will arise in the aftermath.

Many thanks to the organizers for the invitation and the opportunity to present our unique organization to a high-ranking audience from the worlds of culture and politics!

About the European Cultural Routes:
By bringing people and places together in networks of shared history and heritage, the Council of Europe's Cultural Routes and their association of over 3500 different institutions offer an invitation to travel and discover Europe's rich and diverse heritage. They realize the values of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and mutual exchange across borders.

The Council of Europe's Cultural Routes offer citizens across Europe a wealth of cultural and educational activities. They are key resources for responsible cultural tourism and sustainable local development.

The Council of Europe's Cultural Routes offer citizens across Europe a wealth of cultural and educational activities. They are key resources for responsible cultural tourism and sustainable local development.

The routes highlight a range of themes, from architecture and landscape to religious influences, from tangible and intangible heritage to the most important figures in European art, music and literature.

The “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification is a label of excellence. The networks realize innovative activities and projects in five priority fields of action: Cooperation in research and development; strengthening memory, history and European heritage; cultural and educational exchange for young Europeans; contemporary cultural and artistic practice; cultural tourism and sustainable cultural development.

THE HANSA has been a certified cultural route since 1991. This year it was re-certified for another five years.

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Annual Advisory Forum 2024 in Visegrád