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Cultural Route THE HANSA

The Hanseatic cities fascinate with their diversity and shared history. DIE HANSE has been certified as a Council of Europe Cultural Route since 1991. By bringing people and places together in networks of shared history and heritage, Council of Europe Cultural Routes invite you to travel and discover Europe's rich and diverse heritage.

What is a Council of Europe Cultural Route?

The Cultural Routes implement the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe:

  • Human Rights,
  • cultural democracy,
  • cultural diversity and identity, and
  • mutual exchange and enrichment across borders and centuries.

They act as platforms for intercultural dialogue and promote knowledge and understanding of a European cultural identity.

Through the programme, the Council of Europe provides a model for transnational cultural and tourism management and enables synergies between national, regional and local authorities as well as a large number of associations and other socio-economic actors.

The legal entity coordinating the Cultural Route THE HANSA is the association HanseVerein e.V.

Learn more about the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe