BTZ_5932_Marktplatz-Speckflagge ©Jonas Ginter, BTZ Bremer Touristik-Zentrale
Kaunas main image
Hafnarfjordur2020 © Hafnarfjarðarbær
Beverley main ©Visit East Yorkshire

184 Hanseatic cities in 16 countries

The Hanseatic cities fascinate with their diversity, historical as well as modern architecture and a wide range of cultural events. The heritage of the Hanseatic era can still be discovered in many places today.

All Hanseatic cities at a glance

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Prinzipalmarkt Münster

Travel offers in Hanseatic cities

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Ringhotel Jensen ©LTM

Event calendar

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Konzert Hauptbühne

The Hansa in a nutshell

It began as a network of long-distance merchants and developed into a powerful association of cities: the Hanseatic League. For more than 400 years, the Hanseatic League shaped the economy, trade and politics of northern Europe. Today, the Hanseatic cities are reconnecting with their great past: The Union of Cities THE HANSA was founded in Zwolle in 1980 to revive the common cultural heritage and, with almost 200 member cities, is one of the largest voluntary associations of cities in the world.

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The International Hanseatic Day

In the days of the medieval Hanseatic League, the Hanseatic cities met regularly at the Hanseatic Day. Trade issues were discussed there and joint decisions were made. The Union of Cities has taken up this tradition of the Hanseatic Days again. Every year a different Hanseatic city is host and invites you to celebrate tradition and international understanding. The festival attracts up to 500,000 visitors from all over Europe.

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The Hansa as part of the UNESCO World Heritage

The Hanseatic League is world heritage. From the seven towers of Lübeck's old town, to the former Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen, Norway, to the town hall and Roland statue in Bremen, Germany, seven sites of the old Hansa have been recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. The history of the Hansa itself has also made it onto the World Heritage Register in the form of 21 original documents.

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Package deals

4 - Mumme 866 © Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Philipp Ziebart

Brunswick Mumme-Tour – slopen, freten, supen!

Join the Mumme-Brewer on a stroll through the historic Brunswick and learn all kinds of interesting facts about the Hanseatic period and especially about Brunswick’s Mumme – an alcohol free extract, brewed from malt and water.

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3 - Stadtführungen1211 © Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Moritz Küstner

Sightseeing stroll through the Lion City

Stroll through medieval alleys and discover the traces of the Hanseatic merchants and the Welfs, who shaped Brunswick for centuries.

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2 - Alte Waage © Foto Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Gerald Grote

Braunschweig – Hanseatic city on the Oker River

Brunswick, once a Hanseatic city and a flourishing trading center in the Middle Ages, presents a vivid impression of its Hanseatic history through numerous testimonies of the Hanseatic era in today’s cityscape as well as through the stories of the buildings, streets and people.

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1 - Altstadtrathaus 1763 © Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Christian Bierwagen

Municipal Museum - Old City Hall

A permanent exhibition on the history of Brunswick can be seen in the basement of the Old Town Hall, which presents the development of the Hanseatic city in the Middle Ages, especially under the reign of Duke Henry the Lion, with highlights such as the first city seal and the coat of arms of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg.

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Cottage and apartment package

Find your favourite cottage or apartment in Visby or in the Gotland countryside, by the sea or near a golf course. The best deal is achieved when adding accommodation and ferry together in one package!

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Reiseangebot Hannover zum Kennenlernen © Lars Gerhardts

Visit and love Hannover

Explore the highlights of Hannover by CityTourbus or discover the sights of the city on foot by following the “Red Thread”. 

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Experience taste of Cēsis ©Cēsis tourism information centre

Experience the taste of Cēsis!

In this excursion, you will learn the history of this more than 800-year-old medieval city, do the sightseeing in the old parts of Cesis, visit local entrepreneurs and taste the best things they are making and producing.

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Kalkar and Grieth on the Rhine

Tour “Merchants & traders and artists & boatmen”

The diverse connections that merchants from Kalkar and Grieth maintained with Hanseatic cities, offices and traders from Northern Europe and the Baltic area (as far as Novgorod in Russia) in the 14th to 16th century are visible here.

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Visby ringmur med flaggor ©

Accommodation all over Gotland

Discover the Hanseatic city of Visby and Gotland, choose between hotels in Visby - a World Heritage site, or somewhere in the charming countryside, close to the sea or to a golf course.

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Körsbärsgården ©

Körsbärsgården – Museum of Contemporary Art

A meeting point for Art, Architecture and Literature, welcomes young and old.

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