What is Fair Trade?
All over the world, people developed economic and trade relations based on mutual benefit and solidarity over the centuries. Fair Trade applies these ideas to today's challenges of international trade in a globalised world. Fair Trade is based on production and trade practices that put people and the environment before financial profit. In addition, Fair Trade connects producers and consumers through greater transparency in trade chains. By showing that greater equity in world trade is possible, Fair Trade also seeks to involve citizens in reformulating trade rules to meet the needs of small producers, workers and consumers.
Fair Trade is not about charity, but about partnership for change and development through trade, and thus also in the tradition of the historic Hanseatic League.
The Fairtrade Towns campaign
Fairtrade Towns are part of this. They specifically promote fair trade at the municipal level and are the result of a successful networking of people from civil society, politics and business who are committed to fair trade in their home countries. In Germany, there is a growing awareness of fair production conditions and socially and environmentally friendly production and trade structures.
At the municipal level, fair trade plays an important role in all areas of society, increasingly also in public procurement.
Fair Hansa at the Hanseatic Day 2022
Documents available for download
Fair Hansa Flyer (English)PDF , 919.55 KB
Fair Hansa poster exhibition A4 (English)PDF , 3.78 MB
Guidelines-Fair-HansaPDF , 382.94 KB
Liste "Fair Trade Towns in der Hanse"PDF , 138.68 KB
Faire Hanse_Hansetag 2014-BroschürePDF , 2.58 MB
FAIR HANSA_Handbook Sustainable Event Planning-webPDF , 1.19 MB