The initiative to the project was taken by the organists in the St Mary Churches in Visby and Lübeck. They wanted to find ways to introduce organ music as a cultural element at Hanseatic Days in the future, starting in Visby in 2025. Project partners were searched, and an application was sent in to the Swedish Institute. Luckily enough, the application was approved, and the project could start in October 2023.
Project partners are:
Saint Mary Cathedral in Visby (Sweden)
St Marien zu Lübeck (Germany)
Pro Musica Organa (Poland)
Cesis Municipality (Latvia)
HanseVerein e.V., (associated partner)
The partners have one representative each in the Steering Group of the project. Project manager is Inger Harlevi.
Until 31 August 2024 Hanseatic cities are invited to send in organ compositions in two different categories. The 15-20 winners will be selected by a jury and the pieces will be presented in a Hansa Organ Book that will be launched at the Hanseatic Day in Visby.
The second part of the project deals with Hansa Organ Festivals, where organ music in and from Hanseatic cities can be promoted in the long run. The project will invite organists from Hanseatic cities to participate at the first festival of this kind during the Hanseatic Day in Visby in 2025. Gotland has a huge number of fascinating medieval churches with interesting organs and not only the organs in St Mary’s Cathedral will be used during the festival. More information and invitations will be sent out to the Hanseatic cities in 2024.
Visby domkyrkoförsamling, Norra Kyrkogatan 2, 621 55 Visby, Sweden
Project manager: Inger Harlevi, inger.harlevi@svenskakyrkan.se, tel + 46 70 521 1260