Deventer, Doesburg, Elburg, Harderwijk, Hasselt, Hattem, Kampen, Zutphen and Zwolle: nine pearls in the east of the Netherlands. Connected by water and history for over 800 years, they are characterised by bustle and hospitality. From open-air theatre to street art, from medieval city centre to modern hotspot. Then and now, full of dynamism and entertainment, full of history and future. Feel the Hanseatic flair, experience the Hanseatic cities.
The Hanseatic Year 2023 was celebrated in a big way with an extensive programme of events and activities, from small local initiatives to large, one-off events taking place in the historic setting of the cities. The programme included hundreds of Hanseatic activities in the fields of art, music, culture, education, heritage, sport and business. Residents, entrepreneurs and visitors: everyone was welcome to join in!