02507 © Mateusz Filipski - Fundacja Gdańska

youthHansa at the Hanseatic Day in Gdansk

From 13 to 16 June, youthHansa took part in the 44th International Hanseatic Day in Gdansk. 76 delegates from 36 Hanseatic cities from 10 countries took part in the programme, which this year focused on Gdansk's cultural heritage as a city of solidarity and change.

The activities for the youth delegates were very varied and ranged from dragon boating and a visit to the European Solidarity Centre to an informative workshop on the topic of Fair Trade. Delegates had the flexibility to choose activities according to their interests so that everyone could take part in something they enjoyed. Also they had plenty of free time to explore the city and take part in various Hanseatic activities. The event provided a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends from previous years and make new friends.