This was the 44th International Hanseatic Day in Gdansk!

Calender Icon 26. June 2024

The Polish Hanseatic city of Gdansk hosted the 44th International Hanseatic Day from 13 to 16 June under the motto "Change begins here". Hanseatic cities from 14 European countries attended the event to celebrate their Hanseatic cultural heritage together.

Parada, Otwarcie na Długim Targu 13.06.2024 © Piotr Połoczański - Fundacja Gdańska

On Thursday evening, the Hanseatic Day traditionally began with a large city parade and was then ceremoniously opened by the Mayor of Gdansk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, and the Chairman of the Hanseatic League, Lübeck's Mayor Jan Lindenau. For four days, everything in the old Hanseatic city at the mouth of the Vistula revolved around culture, history, music and art from the Hanseatic cities. At the Hanseatic Fair in the city centre, the participating cities presented themselves with handicraft products, culinary specialities and tourist information. On Friday, for the first time in the history of the International Hanseatic Day, a summit of mayors from the Hanseatic cities took place.  The 44th International Hanseatic Day ended on Sunday with a closing ceremony at the Long Market, where Mayor Lindenau presented the Hanseatic flag to the organisers of the next Hanseatic Day in Visby in 2025.

For more information, pictures and a video summary of the Hanseatic Day click here.