BBC broadcasts Hansa podcast

Calender Icon 7. February 2024

The BBC podcast series "In our time" has now released an episode on the history of the Hanseatic League. Presenter Melvyn Bragg talks to his guests about the development of the network from a merchant network to a league of cities, the importance of privileges and monopolies for the Hanseatic merchants and the political influence of the network.

Kings Lynn Hanse House ©King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council

At the height of its power, the Hanseatic League dominated the trading area to such an extent that it was even able to finance wars and enforce embargos - with sometimes fatal consequences. However, with the increasing power of nation states, greater competition from other merchants and the development of trade across the Atlantic, the Hanseatic League increasingly lost influence from the 16th century onwards. The guests in this episode are Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz from the University of Amsterdam, Georg Christ from the University of Manchester and Sheilagh Ogilvie from the University of Oxford. A reading list of English-language literature on Hanseatic history can be found below the episode.

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