Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue with a Hanseatic focus

Calender Icon 1. October 2024

This year's Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue (BSYD) will take place in Gdańsk, Poland, from November 11-16. 20 young people aged 18-28 from the Baltic Sea Region will have the opportunity to engage with their joint cultural heritage and its meaning today. The event will focus on the Hanseatic League, which shaped the Baltic Sea Region over several centuries. The BSYD is organized by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) in cooperation with THE HANSA, financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.


Under the theme, “Cultural Heritage in the Baltic Sea Region: Expert and Peer Dialogue on Shared Heritage, Connections, and Outreach in the BSR”, the event will highlight the historical significance of the Hanseatic League and its lasting impact on the region’s cultural and political landscapes. The Hanseatic League, often considered a precursor to modern-day European unity, established strong trading and cultural connections across the Baltic Sea. This legacy of cooperation, exchange, and mutual development continues to resonate, influencing modern regional identity, architecture, and cultural practices.

Participants will delve into the shared heritage of the Baltic Sea through a combination of lectures, discussions, workshops, and excursions, all designed to foster dialogue and exchange between young people and experts from across the region. Central questions include: How did the Hanseatic League shape our region’s culture and identity? What is the role of cultural heritage today? And how can young people (like the youth networks youthHansa and CBSS BSRYF) contribute to building future connections across borders?

Young people between the ages of 18 and 28, who are interested in cultural heritage, regional connections, and youth participation and live in a member or observer country of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) are welcome to apply. The deadline for applications is 15 October. 

Apply here!