Kaunas main image


Welcome to Kaunas, the only Hanseatic city in Lithuania. It’s a city full of merchants, craftsmen, travelers, and amazing stories. People have been living in the confluence of Nemunas and Neris rivers for ages, and the legend of Kaunas is most certainly older than the first chronicles. We all agree, however, that the history of Kaunas begins In 1408, the year when Grand Duke Vytautas gave the city Magdeburg rights. The latter allowed the freedom of growth, and, in 1441, Hanseatic merchants established their Kontor (foreign trading post) here. Kaunas, as a member of the new Hansa league, celebrates this occasion every year in May as its birthday party.

Official Webpage

Open Webpage

Facts & Figures

Icon Founded


Year 1408

Icon Location


54.89821 latitude and 23.90448 longitude

Icon Population



UNESCO World Heritage

The 45th session of the World Heritage Committee in Saudi Arabia approved Kaunas Modernist Architecture Application “Modern Kaunas: Optimism Architecture, 1919-1939”. The interwar architecture became the fifth value of Lithuania to win the prestigious UNESCO status. On September 18, 2023 the city’s interwar buildings and their diversity in Žaliakalnis and Naujamiestis were recognised as a significant value for all humanity, present and future generations.

What is the city known for?
