Bryggen ©Girish Chouhan,


Bryggen, the old wharf in Bergen, Norway, is a very special relict of the Hanseatic era. As the last remaining former Hanseatic Kontor, it has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Bryggen in winter ©VBP Media,

The old Kontor in Bergen

Bergen developed into an important European trading city and a hub for business, shipping and crafts when the Hanseatic League opened one of its four Kontors at the port. Many fires, the last one in 1955, have since devastated the characteristic wooden houses of Bryggen. But after a detailed restoration, its impressive wooden architecture can once again be admired in all its glory. The adjacent Hanseatic Museum tells the story of everyday life and work of the Hanseatic merchants and demonstrates their importance for Bergen. In the magnificently restored Schøtstuene, you can still feel a little of the atmosphere that prevailed in Bergen during the Hanseatic period (due to renovation work, opening hours may vary at present).

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