Assembly of Delegates 2022_founding of Sustainable Hansa

Sustainable Hansa

Since 2022, the working group "Sustainable Hansa" has been in place to address the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the member cities of THE HANSA. The working group organises peer learning and puts the topic of sustainability on the agenda in many areas of work in the network of Hanseatic cities.

SDG 17 states that the goals can only be achieved through strong global partnerships and cooperation at global, regional, national and local levels. The SGDs are therefore often used as shared values for building external relations. THE HANSA is united by a strong sense of shared history and values, based on the historical Hanseatic League, as expressed in its statutes.

Therefore, the SDGs fit well with the values and goals of THE HANSA. In addition, they provide a focus on new issues within the Union of Cities (climate change, energy transition, water management, biodiversity) as priorities for today and tomorrow that have broad support across party, EU or national borders. They increase the relevance of THE HANSA among the inhabitants of Hanseatic cities, young people and the business community and provide themes for the activities of the youthHansa, as well as the Business Forum and market at the Hanseatic Day.


Phil Eke (King's Lynn)