Hattem 3 - main image


The medieval little town of Hattem lies between the Veluwe forests and beautiful watermeadows along river IJssel. The rich history of the Middle Ages is still there in the monuments, the street pattern and the fortress walls. In the historical center you can enjoy strolling through picturesque streets and three beautiful museums. Modern Hattem, situated at the border of the Veluwe-massif, has other interests. Cosy terraces, a large variety of shops, museums and annually returning events. In short: The Hanseatic town of Hattem is waiting to be explored!

The history of bread and pastry, the impressions of the river IJssel, made by painter Voerman Senior and Voerman Junior, the surprising varied works by artist Anton Pieck: these are just a random pick of what Hattem has to offer culturally. Three buildings dominate the skyline of Hattem: ‘The Fortune’ mill, the ‘Dijkpoort’, the only remaining gate of Hattem and the ‘Grand Church’ also called ‘Saint Andreas Church’. In the centre of the town you can recognize a medieval street pattern: this all referencens to the rich history of this small Hanseatic town.

In a tent, a cottage or on board of a boat? You can recreate in and around Hattem. For example on the water: in a canoe, a giant wooden shoe or take the ferry to the other side of the river IJssel and view Hattem from the other side of the river. Other possibilities are walking, cycling, swimming, but also horseback riding, playing golf and ‘jeu de boules’. Hattem is surrounded by a great diversity of landscape types. It has an extensive foreland in the North, forests in the South-West and the remains of a peat and heath moor in the South-East. Well-worth seeing both in summer and winter.

A setting for culture, nature, sports, recreation, rest and space!


Hattem 4 - Dijkpoort


The Dijkpoort is part of the citywall with several gates and defense towers. The gate was finished around 1400.​ The Dijkpoort was guarded by a gatekeeper who lived in the house next door. Four constables lived in the Dijkpoort itself and monitored who entered and left the city 24 hours a day. Since its construction, the Dijkpoort has not only been decisive for the skyline of Hattem, but it has also been an important logistical gate. For years it was the only route to Zwolle if you came from Germany. The Dijkpoort is now managed by an artist and you can come and taste the history of it yourself. 

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Hattem 5 - Mill

Mill De Fortuin

In the Middle Ages, a wind corn mill stood on the site of mill De Fortuin, which was used for grinding grain. The mill was blown over by a storm in 1808. It was not until 1816 that the current octagonal windmill with two pairs of millstones was built. The mill was restored in 1852 and the stone with the year 1852 was bricked in above the entrance. The old mill is now in operation again and open to visitors every Saturday. On the ground floor is a shop with artisan bread and cake mixes.

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Hattem 6b - Church © Gijs Versteeg Fotografie

Grand- or Saint Andreas Church

The first church on this site was built around the year 1225. This was a Romanesque church building, of which only the tower is still visible. Due to the expansion of the city of Hattem, the church became too small. Around 1400 - 1425 a completely new, Gothic church was built. In 1429 the church was struck by  lightning.The baptismal font from the 13th century has been preserved. There are two organs, the Slegel organ (1677) and the larger Flentrop organ (1855). Today the church is used for church services, organ concerts and other musical events.

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Hattem 7a - Town Hall

Town Hall

The town hall is one of the beautiful buildings in the center. It is the former Holy Ghost guest house from the 14th century. In 1618 it was rebuilt in Renaissance style and restored in 1871. It has been merged with the former Waag building from 1625. Today it is the workplace of the mayor,aldermen and municipal officials of Hattem. Local artists exhibit in the town hall. The exhibits can be viewed for free.

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